
Почти лято

След 3 седмици дъжд в София бях изключително щастлива, че в Атина поне е слънчево и на втория ден планът беше плаж. Не беше толкова горещо, колкото през лятото, но наистина това не ме интересуваше. 

Отидохме на плажа Вулягмени.

Имаше хора (предимно деца), които се къпаха в морето, но на мен водата ми беше все още твърде студена и затова пропуснах. 

В късния следобед бяхме вече гладни и отидохме за обяд.

Нямах си любима бира в Гърция до момента, в който открих Fix. 

Пържени тиквички...

Пилешко с пържени картофи. Мммм....

На следващия ден отидохме на пазар, но аз не си купих нищо... 

Площад Синтагма

Вечерта отидохме да пийнем навън...

По-късно се преместихме за няколко коктейла в Skyfallbar, който в момента е доста популярен в Атина.

Blogger променя цветовете. Вижте ми устните! Не излизат по този странен начин на истинската снимка!!!

Skyfallbar има невероятна гледка към града. Отляво можете да разпознаете Партенона.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Анонимен10/5/14

    If I return to Athens I want to see this beach as well! The food looks really good and it must have been exciting to have drinks at the Skyfall Bar!

  2. Seems like you had an amazing time there) For people who normally live in the city, such beach days are always a little miracle:) I understand your feelings perfectly well! I'd love to find myself lying on the beach right now, but nope:( Those photographs turned out so great;)
    Wish you a great day ahead, dear Stanislava!

  3. Hi Stanislava! Oh my, looking at your photos, I just want to go to the beach now! But seems the water was still cold to swim, I would have skipped a dive as well!:) Btw, the lunch looks so appetizing, luckily have just had mine but Im hungry just seeing it! And yes, Im vegetarian dear so that fried zucchini looks so good! You were very beautiful for the night, Im sorry Blogger changed the color of the pic. It happened also to me, I went to the settings (from the G+ profile) and had to ticked off the automatic "enhance photos", maybe is that the reason! Have a wonderful weekend, kisses! xo (ps love Paris too! Have been there only 2 times and the last one last year with my bf, wish I was back soon!)

  4. Your pictures looks so great and the osean is so wonderful blue, I would like to be there.
    Now i need to go into the ktchen. Your yummy food make me hungry. ;)
    Thank you for your nice comment at my blog.

  5. Beautiful photos! Athens looks amazing :)
    Keep in touch

  6. Its a very beautiful place!!!!! Lucky you!!! Kisses,


  7. perfect shoots! I need to be at the beach ASAP!! ahah
    big kiss!


  8. Gorgeous pictures and that food looks amazing!!


    Tamara B.
    LilMissStyle Blog

  9. Your photos look so amazing! I love the mix of activities and places you went to.


  10. You have so many beautiful things around you. The food looks so good. I know you enjoyed.
