Акрополът в Атина

Акрополът е една от задължителните забележителности в Атина. За мен това може би е най-хубавото място в града. Въпреки че е пълно с туристи ежедневно, всъщност е доста релаксиращо.

По пътя за Партенона има доста автентични кафенета и ресторанти...

Цветни сгради и ухаещи цветя...

Любимата ми част са варосаните тесни улички, които изкачват хълма...

Последната спирка включва красива гледка към града. Всичко е ярко и цветно. Няма панелени блокове, можеш да видиш палма тук или да разпознаеш Парламента там.

So much beautiful pictures!
Hi Stanislava! Wish I visited Greece and Athens soon. I know acropolis is a must-see there, Ive just seen the previous post from 2012 inside it and Im so stunned!:) Also, these ones are beautiful, the white tiny streets are so characteristic and I alo like your outfit. Looking very lovely, everytime your legs stand out a lot!:) Many kisses! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you Lilli! :)
ИзтриванеAbsolutely beautiful! Athens is on my list of places to see before I am 30, thanks for sharing :)
ОтговорИзтриванеWow, what a colorful place. My thougts about athens before is a blank white and cream city, but i was wrong. This place is very interesting as well as what I have seen in books. ;) thanks for the visit on my blog. KISSES!!!
Athens is my favourite town in Greece .
ОтговорИзтриванеThe Acropolis is a fascinating piece of history, I enjoyed visiting it during a trip to Athens a few years ago!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
τι ωραίες φωτο!!! εχω χρόνια να πάω στηn Ακρόπολη!!
Great pictures! 10 years ago I was in Athens, the city left me some lovely memories.
ОтговорИзтриванеx Sandra
It such a gorgeous place! Definately adding this to my places to visit one day!
Tamara B.
LilMissStyle Blog
Wow! It's gorgeous. Love the colors too.
Gorgeous pictures, I would love to visit The Acropolis as well!
I would love to visit Greece one day , great pics!
ОтговорИзтриванеDo you want to follow each other ?
Emily from Pretty Tiny Things
I have visited the Greek Islands but not yet Athens. Your first photo is stunning and I especially like all the cute little authentic tavernas and the whitewashed buildings are so pretty too. Interesting post!
Beautiful pics!
Thank you so much for stopping by sweetie!
Coco et La vie en rose / Bloglovin / Facebook
Beautiful pictures :) I love these photos, it all looks so calm and beautiful
ОтговорИзтриванеNice photos! I don't recall visiting this area of the city, so thanks for sharing the shots.
ОтговорИзтриванеLOVE the photos! this is exactly what i envision these cities to look like - narrow alleyways, cobbled streets, outdoor cafes....fun!
ОтговорИзтриванеoh, wow! What an amazing place! I love visiting such historical places, it was always interesting to me to see the way people lived in the past, to see such ruins of ancient architectures or anything like that. Great trip and wonderful pictures, indeed!