Рожен ден в бирария BMP, Братислава

Честит петък! На 18 август малката ни българска компания се срещна в Bratislavský Meštiansky Pivovar, за да отпразнуваме рождения ден на приятеля ни Слави.

Въпреки че имаха в менюто местна наливна бира Bratislavský ležiak, първият ми избор беше Erdinger Weissbier. Пила съм я в Атина и наистина много ми хареса!

Хубавите ми приятели!

Сега към храната. Слави си поръча "Татарак"...

Бургер винаги е добър избор...

Ивето си поръча сирене на грил (убийте ме, не мога да се сетя как се казваше). Но пък беше много вкусно...

Разделихме си тази салата Цезар с аншоа, пармезан и хрупкав бекон. Най-добрата!

I see you all had an amazing and fun time celebrating your friend's birthday! Good food choises of u, mmm I simply adore grilled cheese, my huge weakness!:) Have a lovely weekend Stanislava, kisses! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеawweee loved this post! It looks like you guys had so much fun! the large beer containers look so cool and the food (OMG the food!) looks so amazing!!!! Even the grill cheese looks so fancy and delicious!!! I'm not sure what Tatarak is but it looks AMAZING! It has a pepper in the middle so I'm guessing it's spicy? I love spicy food haha well now thanks to you I'm extremely hungry! Thanks for sharing such a lovely post :)
ОтговорИзтриванеOH and thanks so much for the encouragement to post on Fridays as well (it really made me smile when I read your comment) and yes! I'm from Peru, I haven't been able to visit in the last couple of years but you are so right... I should share some pics of Peru! hopefully I will get to go there soon :)
have a very very good friends
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a fabulous celebration! The food looked great and looks like everyone had a great time.
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat a fun time you had. I'm sure your friend appreciated it all. My choice would have been the Caesar salad. Delicious!
ОтговорИзтриванеEverytime I see your posts where you show some snapshots with beer I have a desire to have a glass of cold beer too:) I'm not a huge fan of beer, though. Besides, those snapshots are so lovely, it's always nice to spend some time in the bosom of the family or friends;)
ОтговорИзтриванеHave a fabulous time!
The grilled cheese looks awesome! I could die for cheese!
ОтговорИзтриванеGrilovaný oštiepok
ОтговорИзтриванеD´akujem, Ive! :*