Обиколка на Братислава за един ден (част втора)

Време е за втората част от еднодневната "ни" разходка до Братислава. Бих Ви завела най-напред в LaPutika за закуска. Това е едно от любимите ми места - има голямо разнообразие от бири, вина, храната е вкусна и локацията е добра.

Главният площад

И стигнахме до Братиславския замък (Bratislavský Hrad). Разположен на хълм над Братислава, замъкът разкрива страхотна гледка към града.


А сега искам да Ви заведа до Девин. Красива крепост, намираща се на 20мин от Братислава с рейс.

И втората част от нашата скромна разходка приключва тук (първа част). Опитах се възможно най-сбито да Ви представя едни от най-важните забележителности в Братислава. Накратко: за 2 дена можете да обиколите:
- Катедралата Св. Мартин
- Стария град (центъра)
- Братиславския замък
- Крепостта Девин
- Катедралата Св. Мартин
- Стария град (центъра)
- Братиславския замък
- Крепостта Девин
thanks for the walk!
ОтговорИзтриванеOh no, you are just adorable in that pic, love ur hair!:) That place sounds (and looks) very good, it would be my fav as well!:) And I enjoyed the photos, both castles are impressive, you know that when I was a child visiting castles was my fav thing on holiday!:) You look gorgeous in the pic with the view (which is breathtaking) and I like both outfits. Thanks for the tour, definitely have to pay a visit to Bratislava soon!:) Many kisses Stanislava, have a lovely week and a happy Sept! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеI love to see and read about your adventures! you always have delicious food in your pictures! and I don't know why you don't want us to look at you in the restaurant picture because you look adorable!!! The Bratislava Castle is breath taking, the whole city is breathtaking! I'm so amazed to see the buildings and architecture! It looks like you and your your friend had a great time! thanks for sharing :) To answer you question on one of the comments you left on my blog, nope, I haven't worked on the layout of my blog, instead I've been working ahead scheduling posts for Wednesday and Friday. Since I have a full time job, it is kind of hard to work on my blog on the week nights so I'm trying to work as much ahead as I can :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for your lovely comments on my blog! you can't imagine how happy I get when I see them!
Marvellous trip photos. I love the image of you with the statue. Thanks so much for sharing. /Madison
you and your sister are super .
ОтговорИзтриванеi had to google where bratislova is haha, the square looks quite like the ones i saw in sicily!
So nice to meet your sister and to show us the historic buildings of Bratislava. The feta salad looks very delicious!
ОтговорИзтриванеThe architecture is so attractive and I would enjoy strolling around the old town and the castles too. The views are beautiful and it was a very clear day. Great photos if you and your sister.
ОтговорИзтриванеSo gorgeous! Everything is so beautiful! Gorgeous buildings and statues. Yummy breakfast!
ОтговорИзтриванеTruly, I believe Euro simple meals (bread, cheese, etc.) top every meal over here in United States. There's love cooked in!
ОтговорИзтриванеxoxx, Monica
F&ML: Fashion And My Life
Fashion takes the f*%$ out of my life...