В сянката на Виена

Полетът ни до Виена даде шанс на мен и сестра ми да прекараме известно време в града.

Ядохме шницел и пихме наливна бира в 1516. Бих се върнала там отново.

Докато бях в Братислава, научих от учителя ми по фотография, че най-добрите снимки се правят много рано сутрин или на залез. Какво мислите?
1516 favorite place!
ОтговорИзтриванеAh Vienna, such an outstanding city!:) Would love to be back there again, your photos made me want to take the plane and fly over there!:) You and your sis are very lovely, you got such gorgeous legs Stanislava!:) And regarding the photography tip, I think is true, for the early morning I dont know but I noticed in the sunset photos turned out better. That one is amazing! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеGorgeous photos! x
ОтговорИзтриванеThe forma giveaway
Looks like you has a great trip! Wonderful pics!
Holly cow! these photos are AMAZING! your professor was def right! what time did you take these pictures? the light is just perfect, the colors on the sky are just breathtaking! I truly love visiting your blog and visiting places like Vienna! I might never get a chance to travel there but I can say I saw the beauty that it holds thanks to your blog :)
Gorgeous photos. I've always loved visiting Vienna, and shopping a bit as well. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThanks for sharing Stanislava. /Madison
Beautiful post, really interesting! Kisses dear, have a good evening! xo
ОтговорИзтриванеOhh! My heart was melting scrolling through these pictures. I love Vienna! I've been twice. I also really love Budapest just a whiles away! I have family there.
ОтговорИзтриванеYour newest reader!
xoxx, Monica
F&ML: Fashion And My Life
Fashion takes the f*%$ out of my life...
Vienna is such a beautiful city. There are simply too many beautiful European cities around that are on my bucket list but I don't think there would be time to visit all. I appreciate that you have English commentary in your post so that English-speaking people like us could understand your post w/o having to go through Google Translator.
ОтговорИзтриванеThank you for dropping by my blog a while back. And I hope we would continue to keep in touch.
Jo's Jumbled Jardinière
So beautiful. Once of the places I would absolutely love to visit. Thank you for sharing the photos! x
ОтговорИзтриванеVienna looks beautiful, what great images x
Twitter: @thestylemma
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Facebook: TheStylemma
All photos are nice you get very good kisses .
ОтговорИзтриванеVienna is such a beautiful city and with all the attractive architecture it's perfect for taking numerous photos! The last photo in particular is stunning. I'm a fan of schnitzel too.
ОтговорИзтриванеWhat beautiful places and the ice cream looks delicious is *-*
I would really agree, to my mind it's true that the best photos are those, taken very early in the morning or at sunset:) The last snapshot is marvelous! In general, the city looks so beautiful and fascinating. The architecture is really superb and eye-catching. Good for you to be there:)
ОтговорИзтриванеSuch a great post turned out, I enjoyed it very much! Can't wait to see more:)
Take care!
Vienna is so gorgeous! Striking it is!
ОтговорИзтриванеI also like Vienna, and I agree with your teacher...well, I have been told the same once in a photograph workshop
Beautiful Vienna photos; these are bringing back memories of my trip there in January. It now seems ages away. The second last photo is the best.