
Любимо място в София - Скаптобара

Скаптобара е уютно местенце в американски стил. Разположено в сърцето на града, разнообразието от бири и вкусната храната няма да Ви оставят безразлични. Обожавам домашните мини-такос с пълнеж от гуакамоле, но и сочното телешко в разтопен чедър, салца, гуакалмоле, хрупкав бекон и айсберг, обвити в леко запечена тортила под екзотичното име El Chapo не ме разочароваха. Бургерите звучат обещаващо, затова мисля скоро да се отбия отново, за да ги пробвам. За десерт се предлага домашен чийзкейк, а за вегетарианците има веджи бурито.

Фенове ли сте на този тип заведения?

Може още да ви хареса


  1. I've just had my lunch but now when I see this, I'm kind of hungry again :) It looks so appetizing. Yes, I do like that type of food and restaurants from time to time :)
    Have a wonderful weekend, dear!

  2. Hi Sany! Yep, I am! Im watering, wish there were more this kind of restaurant even here. The food sounds delish, I would have opted for the veggie version of course!:) Have a wonderful weekend Sany! xo

  3. It looks very comfy. This makes me want to make burgers for dinner, vegetarian ones. Looks delicious Sany. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. x
    Beauty Talk

  4. Анонимен5/2/16

    So funny that they named a burger after El Chapo! The food looks delicious and yes, I like American style restaurants. And I can't wait to be in the US next week and eat out there. Have a nice weekend.

  5. I'm a big fan of simple goof food like this and I really wish I could have some now even though I literally just finished eating my lunch ;p The El Chapo looks really hearty and delicious. I think you may have given me an idea for dinner tonight now :) Happy weekend Sany!

  6. Yum! I don't normally eat burgers but this looks so good!

    Made in MauveBloglovin

  7. Mmm..
    looks so tasty!
    thank you for these great pictures and the nice post:
    Wished I was there..this article gets me so hungry!lol
    wish you a fab sunday!

  8. Нали и аз се занимавам с крафт бира, това местеннце определено ме заинтригува :)
    Ще бъде посетено в най-скоро време!

  9. Hello Sany! :) I really like places with American style, but the thing which I love even more is guacamole and tasty homemade hamburgers, which look so delicious! To be honest, I haven't tried this combo yet (because at the weekend I cook a lot of delicious dishes with my fiance), so I have to try this out ASAP :) Hope you had great weekend, my dear!


  10. Охх изглежда много готино това местенце. Трябва да се посети наистина! Благодаря ти, че споделяш нови (за мен) и готини места в София :)

  11. Now that really does look like a tasty burger! Great photographs :)

    Laura www.shehearts.net xo

  12. I am a vegetarian and the Veggie burger in Scaptobara is really awesome. Well, it is not vegan - there is cheese and eggs in the burger, but we look forward for a vegan burger option.

    1. Wow, un update - I have just noticed that there is a vegan burger "the Martian". I have to try it.

    2. Great news for the vegans and the vegetarians! :)

  13. This looks so good! thank you for the recommendation!!!

    Vicky // The Golden Bun
