Бърза разходка около София - Кремиковски манастир

Честно да си призная почти винаги игнорирам местата около София. Но ако нямам време да пътувам далеч, всъщност именно те се оказват идеални за неделна разходка. Сведения за Кремиковския манастир има още от Второто българско царство, но по-късно той е разрушен от османците. През 15в. манастирът е възобновен.

Днес е запазена манастирската църква "Св. Георги".

Стенописите имат внушителна художествена стойност, тъй като са едни от най-ценните в българското средновековно художествено наследство. 

Пред църквата има дворче с дървени маси и пейки за пикник и панорамна гледка към София и Рила. Също така, тръгвайки си оттам, можете да си купите буркан с мед или сладко от манастирското магазинче.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. The vibrant colors and architectural details are very nice looking! This sounds like it would be a nice spot for a picnic. You should definitely go back when its' warmer Sany :) Have a great week!

  2. Hello Sany! Actually, I dont think so or if there is any, I still didnt know. It truly looks amazing and peaceful, I believe it must be even more wonderful and quieter with the warmer weather now in spring. Wish i was there!:) Have a good week Sany, hugs! xo

  3. Анонимен14/3/16

    Unfortunately, we don't have any similar place where I live. There monasteries but they look quite different. Thanks for taking me there.

  4. Анонимен14/3/16

    Yes . I've been there. The views are amazing.

  5. I love the bright yellow and orange colours of this monastery!

  6. You're luck to live in a place where your have such stunning historical places, I don't have anything similar where I live. But that's one of the main reason that I love Europe in general, they are so rich in history and old architecture.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  7. It looks like a perfect escape from the city without going far away :) The history behind the monastery speaks for itself and your photos are as beautiful as usual. I really enjoy this virtual tour through Bulgaria :)
    There is a similar place near Barcelona. It's called Montserrat and the location of the monastery is breathtaking. It's a great quick escape :)

  8. Wonderful post!
    this place is just so beautiful, so mysterious and so magnificient!
    Thanks for sharing.
