
Плаване с капитан Герасимус и екипажа му

Винаги бих предпочела ваканцията ми да е динамична пред това да лежа на плажа по цял ден. Затова предложението да се изкара един цял ден на кораб "Одисея" с капитан Герасизмус беше единодушно прието. Потеглихме в 9:30 сутринта от порта на Нидри и се отправихме към първата спирка - морската пещера Папаниколис.

Стигайки до нея, вече нямахме търпение да скочим в сините води. Разбира се, не забравихме маската и шнорхела, които бяха неотлъчно до нас през цялото пътешествие. 

Изследвайки морското дъно, ме побиваха тръпки от дълбочината надолу, но беше забавно. След около 40мин дойде време да се отправим към следващата спирка - остров Меганиси

След разходката и запознаването с местната култура там, стана време за обяд. Но не какъв да е, а специален - на "частния" остров на капитан Герасимус - подарък за жена му след дълги години съвместен живот. Тук е мястото да вметна, че капитанът имаше страхотно чувство за хумор и ни разсмиваше не веднъж, а опитните екскурзоводи не пропуснаха да ни разкажат по нещо за всяко едно място, което посетихме.

Речта на кораба беше предимно гръцка, английска и италианска. Ако се чудите защо италианска - островите в Йонийско море са били дълго време под венецианско влияние и днес са предпочитана дестинация за туристите от Ботуша.

След като пристигнахме на "частния" плаж (на снимката горе), на който бяхме единствените, ни очакваше барбекю. Менюто беше традиционно гръцко - сувлаки, гръцка салата и дзадзики, както и бяло и червено вино. 

Двата часа на този плаж бяха напълно достатъчни, тъй като жегата беше непоносима. Време беше да продължим с програмата, която включваше посещение на друг частен остров - Мадури и къпане във водите му. В миналия пост споменах, че има доста частни острови в района, собственост на богати и известни личности. Тази тема обаче не ми е особено интересна, затова ще си я спестя. 

И така, в ден, изпълнен с много плуване, традиционно хапване, пийване на узо, уроци по сиртаки и опознаване на местния хайлайф, беше време да се връщаме. Към 17ч. корабът ни остави на порта, от който потеглихме сутринта. Стори ми се, че всички бяха доволни от добре изкарания ден. Колкото до мен - вдигам две ръце за екскурзията с капитана и екипажа на кораба Odysseia (сайтът им тук), с които си изкарахме чудесно!

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Wow it looks and sounds like you had alot of fun with captain Gerasismos. This sounds like a really cool experience since you got to explore caves and visit private beaches. I always admire your sense of adventure Sany!

    To answer you question, I take most of my Instagram photos with my iPhone but the ones form my blog posts are usually taken with one of my cameras.

  2. How amazing Sany, I believe it must have been a unique and precious experience! He really seems so fun, the private beach with all the delish food made me dream! U look gorgeous, see how fun u were having! Kisses Sany! xo

    1. The captain was making fun all the time. I had a great time. Thank you Lilli!

  3. Holy cow, sounds like you had the time of your life sailing with Captain Gerasismos and the pictures clearly showed what an amazing time it was. I love that the boat looks like an old pirate ships, it's amazing!

    ps: Not sure if you mentioned this before but where did you get your white top, I love it!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. It was amazing indeed. Yes, the boat is called "Odysseia"and looks like a pirate ship indeed.

      ps: The top is from H&M. The print on it says "Eat, beach, sleep, repeat".

      Thank you for your comment Shireen!

  4. Hello Stanislava,
    the summer is ending and you re sharing us a beautiful escape to the blue of the sea, and the yellow of the sun.
    what a wonderful post!
    always the same pleasure to discover your articles.

  5. These pictures are beautiful, it looks like somewhere out of a movie :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

  6. Анонимен15/9/16

    The colour of the water looks amazing! You had so much fun; so nice to see :)

  7. Loved the post!! I am Greek but this description made me drool *gonna eat souvlaki tonight lol*
    I believe his name is Gerasimos (Γεράσιμος), you must have written this down wrong!
    GeraSismos sounds like: hard earthquake!

    Dora www.BangsBang.com

    1. Haha, lucky you to have gyro and souvlaki there! Oh, you think I have written it wrong? Hmm, thanks for the correction. I can say that the captain was a hard earthquake :D

    2. Yeah 21 years later still loving souvlaki haha
      It was wrong if it was a Greek name yup! Glad you had so much fun in Greece!!

  8. This looks absolutely amazing and I can't believe how blue that sea is! Just stunning, it sounds like you had the perfect day :) x

  9. Wow, Sany, sounds like you had really enjoyful and great time with captain Gerasismos, it's good to know that such a boat trips are worth to give a try! I really like each of your photo and honestly, I haven't had idea about conection of Italian language with Greece. What's more, that private beach, where you ate lunch looks so good, I wish I was there right now! :D
    Have a lovely evening, dear friend :)


    1. Oh, boat trips are a must for me. They are always interesting, but this one was a lot of fun as well. Yes, Ionian islands are a preferred destination for Italians, that's why Italian is widely spoken there. Thank you for your kind words Ivonne!

  10. Wow, this looks like such an amazing adventure! I can't get over how amazing the water looks (love the underwater shots) and that yellow building is beyond cute :)


  11. Haha, the first photo is everything! :D This post is pure positive energy and once again, I thought I was there with you (and the captain :D) I also enjoy that type of tours and I like them not only because of the "hidden treasures" that you get to see, but usually the crew is so positive and that makes the whole experience much better. I'm definitely going there when I visit Lefkada. I've never been on a private island, that sounds cool although I think we share the same opinion about that topic. The photos are breathtaking and long story short, I enjoyed this post a lot :)
    Have a great weekend!

    1. I am sure you'd have enjoyed this boat trip. The crew was very positive indeed, that's what I really loved. Private islands are not very interesting, there are certain areas you cannot pass, but we stopped at one "public" bay for a swim. Glad to hear you enjoyed this post Tijana!

  12. This must have been a joy to be able to experience. I'm like you, I prefer to be dynamic and a bit daring and not just lying on the beach during holiday. I like the photos here very much and it's nice to know more history about why Italian was spoken. It makes sense, quite like Switzerland with German, Italian, and French present there.

    1. A holiday is for having rest, but that's how I relax - having a dynamic and entertaining time. Your example of the languages is accurate. Thanks for your comment Madison!

  13. Oh, you're making me miss the beach so badly right now.
    What gorgeous pics!

  14. Анонимен25/9/16

    Great scenery .. Glad I saw her close

  15. I'm also not a fan of the endless hours spent doing nothing on beaches. To be honest I can't really stay still on a sunbed for more than 15 minutes.
    This bot trip looks very adventurous and a perfect way to spend a day from your holiday.
