Връх Руен и Осоговската планина

Да си призная, досега не бях чувала никого от познатите си да споменава, че е извървял пътя до връх Руен. Не знам дали защото е по-малко известна дестинация, или заради друга причина, но се чудя защо и аз съм пренебрегвала тази прекрасна част на България! Както и да е, поправих грешката си. След нощувка в хижа Осогово на следващия ден хванахме пътя към върха. 

Знаехме, че пътят е дълъг, но ни беше трудно да повярваме, че е 18км в едната посока! Вървейки към върха, гледките ставаха коя от коя по-красива. В далечината се виждаха Рила и Пирин. Пътеката беше полегата и нямаше почти никакво изкачване.

Знаехме, че ще ни отнеме около 3ч и 40мин до върха. След час ходене спряхме за почивка и някоя друга снимка. Продължихме и в един момент стигнахме стръмен баир, който помислихме за крайната точка. След като го изкачихме, осъзнахме, че има още 3 такива до самия връх.

След като хванахме зимната пътека (грешната), най-накрая пред нас се показа и той - връх Руен. Почти бяхме стигнали след 3 часа ходене!

Връх Руен се намира на границата между България и Република Македония. Това е най-високият връх в Осоговската планина - 2251м. По пътя се разкриваха не само спиращи дъха гледки, но успяхме да видим и диви коне.

Останах приятно изненадана от тази част на България и се радвам, че добавих връх Руен към списъка си с покорени върхове. Какво мислите за този район на България?

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Hello Stanislava,
    Beautifulplace and horizons!
    Thanks forthis lovelyescape.
    Love thephotos!
    Enjoy your week!

  2. That is quite a trek to the peak but good for you for making it up there and even better that we get to follow along. the views on the way and from the peak are just stunning and it looks like the weather was lovely that day. Happy new week to you Sany!

    1. Thanks, Rowena! The views were stunning all the way to the peak, and yes, we had luck with the weather that day.

  3. Анонимен26/9/16

    What a work out! But the views were totally worth it.

  4. Wow, Sany, I didn't know that the peak is at such an altitude!

    It looks like a gorgeous walk and I am definitely going to challenge it, too ;)


  5. There are so many hidden and forgotten treasures in Bulgaria! I've never been to that mountain to be honest, but the views are so stunning :)
    Love seeing wild horses in various of mountains in Bulgaria too.

    1. It was my first time there as well. The horses were like straight of a movie.

  6. Hello Sany! I think its totally worth it, the landscape from there is gorgeous beyond the word and u really so happy, love the last pic of u! The horses are so sweet, they are my fave animal. Wonderful photos and travel inspo indeed. Have a good day and week Sany, kisses! xo

  7. I wish I'm living there, I mean look at that view, it's beyond stunning. And kudos to you for making it all the way to the peak, 3 hours hiking one way is not for everyone, I don't even think I have the stamina for it.

    ps: I realized that you've been travelling a lot, good on you!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Haha, yes 3 hours of hiking is a lot! I've been trying to travel as much as possible lately, or do some getaways when possible. Thank you for your comment Shireen!

  8. It's so frustrating when you think you are nearly there only to turn a corner to find you still have a while to go! It looks like it was worth the journey for the amazing views and also I would love to see wild horses :) x

    1. You have no idea how disappointed I was every time I realized wasn't there! It was definitely worth the journey. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Hi Sany! First of all - congrats for adding Ruen peak to the peaks, which you have climbed so far. I see that it was a long way to get to the top of that peak, but it was totally worth - the views are fascinating, what's more, again, you took terrific photos, dear :)


  10. Missing this kind of beauty so much knowing I could see Borovets from my balcony.
    These photos prove why Bulgaria is the most beautiful country.
    Priqten den <3 Radi


  11. What a great visual journey -- I'd definitely want to climb there if I were in the area. It's also nice that you were able to put this on your list of places to visit in Bulgaria. The terrain is amazing. I love the outdoors, so I'm excited to visit friends soon in the countryside.

  12. I hadn't heard of Peak Ruen but it looks like an amazing hike and well worth the climb!

  13. Such beautiful photos. Thank you for showing us your journey from bottom to the peak! Sounds like it was a bit of a trek but definitely worth it!


  14. That was such a long walk but definitely worth it, right? :) You already know my answer so yes, I would love to go there and do the same :) I adore mountains in this time of the year. Those landscapes are really something. You took wonderful photos and I feel so relaxed now after seeing those views. I'm always excited when I see wild horses. They certainly live in a paradise :)
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Right, I didn't regret at all. I know you would do the same :) Thanks for your comment, Tijana!

  15. Oh, what I'd give to see this view. Beautiful for a run.

  16. Все се каня да изкача Руен, но така и не стигам до него. Имаш ли представа какви са условията за изкачване зимата?

    1. Здравей, Костадин,

      Снежни :) Шегата настрана, в Осоговската планина степента на лавинната опасност често е висока, затова човек най-добре да си следва маркировката и да не се отклонява от нея. Не е трудно изкачването, но е адски дълго. Наличието на сняг ще го направи още по-трудоемко. Ако решиш да го направиш, сподели после с нас как е било.:)

