Красотата на Стобските пирамиди

В един слънчев и топъл неделен ден с блогърте от АСТОМ се отправихме към Стобските пирамиди. Никога не бях чувала за тях преди и ми беше интересно да ги видя. Разположени над с. Стоб, пирамидите се намират в югозападните части на Рила и са обявени за природна забележителност, която не е за изпускане, ако си в района или просто търсиш къде да се разходиш сред природа. 

Село Стоб
Към пирамидите

По пътя
Спирка за отдих
Входът за тях струва символичните 2 лева, след което следва разходка по еко-пътеката, водеща към пирамидите. Есента тук е доста красива, разкриват се прекрасни панорамни гледки, а и самите пясъчни образувания са чудати и интересни.

Панорамната гледка
Скалните образувания
Село Стоб отвисоко

Пирамидите отблизо
Наближавайки крайната точка, се виждат и самите пирамиди. Върху скалните образувания има огромни каменни блокове, които приличат на шапки. В резултат на слънце, дъжд и вятър пирамидите постоянно променят формата си, някои се рушат и на тяхно място се появяват нови.

Планините отсреща
За Стобските пирамиди се носят 2 легенди, свързани с любов и сватба, разбира се. Едната разказва за невъзможната любов между момче и момиче, които се женят. Майката на момичето, която не одобрява тяхното решение, проклина всички гости да се вкаменят в сватбения ден. Другата легенда е по-интересна. В деня на сватбата вятърът повдига булото на булката, която е много красива. Кумът не устоява на крастота ѝ и тръгва да я целува. В този момент всички сватбари се вкаменяват.


Стобските пирамиди са интересен природен феномен, а при хубаво време гледките от тях са прекрасни.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Morning Sany! Nope, I dont think we have something similar here, they are so outstanding and breathtaking! Wish I visited them now, the 2 legends about them are very cool and interesting. You also look stunning Suny, seem a happy kid! Happy weekend! xo

    1. Oh, thank you Lilli. The Stob's pyramids are worth a visit, they are unique and the surrounding nature is breath-taking. Happy weekend to you too!

  2. I'm sad to say there is absolutely nothing as beautiful as this where I live and I would love to visit here one day. The legends are so interesting as well and i think it's great when there are stories behing such landmarks :) x

    1. So, I assume you have to come and visit me soon. There is always at least one legend about a place in Bulgaria.:)

    2. I might just take you up on that if you're not careful haha. It sounds like a wonderful place :) x

  3. Анонимен28/10/16

    Wow, what a wonder of nature! Unfortunately there is nothing similar where I live. Thanks for sharing these pics.

    1. Yes, indeed a wonder of nature. There are also other Bulgarian places with sandstone pyramids, the Melnik pyramids for instance, and the well-known Belogradchik rocks. Thanks for your comment.

  4. What a lovely pics! REally beautiful place and nature! Happy weekend :)
    Meet My Lovely World

  5. I have to say with each post that you write about the places that you visit, that are close to you, I have a strong urge to uproot and move to where you live as you are surrounded by such beauty. I love reading about the legends, yes they are usually just a bunch of folks' tales but very interesting nonetheless.

    Reflection of Sanity | b·liv Skincare Set Giveaway

    1. This was such a nice comment, Shireen! You should come and visit me, and I'll show you the best of Bulgaria. Legends are not proven to be truth (that's why they are legends), but they are always so interesting to me.

  6. I've never heard of this place before but I'd love to go, your pictures are stunning :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Glad to hear you liked this post and you'd pay a visit, if you had a chance! Thank you!

  7. Hello Stanislava,
    what beautiful landscapes!
    and what beautiful pictures!
    Actually I like mountains even if sometimes I'm afraid of getting dizzy.
    Have a nice week end!

    1. Hello, Helena! The landscape in this part of Bulgaria is very beautiful indeed. The Stob's pyramids are at the foot of the mountain, so going there would be no problem for you at all. Happy weekend!

  8. Zdravei Sany!

    I've heard about these pyramids and now I know that I must for sure visit them someday. I love that they're surrounded by trees, nature and views that can take your breath away.

    As for Halloween I won't be dressing up because I'm really not into it. I prefer Christmas way more.

    Hubav den. 6te se chuem pak skoro.


    1. Здравей, Ради. Oh, yes, you should definitely put the Stob's pyramids in your Bulgarian travel list! До скоро!:)

  9. Wow, awesome views!


  10. Love the photography...
    It seems like a really nice place to visit

  11. Hi Sany! I totally agree with you that these pyramids are terrific and breathtaking, they're definitely wonder of nature, I'd love to have a chance to see them on my own eyes. What's more, you know me - I love to learn something new about places from over the world, so I enjoyed both legends, it's great that you mentioned about them. What's more, you was so lucky with the weather on the day of your trip to this place :)
    Have a lovely evening, dear!


    1. I am sure you would have enjoyed them as much as I did, Ivonne! We had a big luck with the weather indeed. Thanks for your comment, dear friend!

  12. There's nothing similar in my country, so I would definitely like to visit Stobs Pyramids someday. The view is obviously spectacular, those photos look wonderful *-*

    Would you like to follow each other ? Let me know: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

    1. Little did I know that we had something like this in my country too. Thank you for stopping by!

  13. Can't say we do. Though we have rock formations along the coast line that is pretty famous. I've seen them a few times so I suppose the magic is lost to me, as comes with most points of interest in your backyard. At least the saying goes for me! I love these sandstone formations. They're so unique and you said ever changing? Going back to them after a few weeks will no doubt be a different experience. How amazing.


    1. What is the name of that rock formation there? Yep, the Stob's pyramids are constantly changing. You're right, I guess they it would be different in a few weeks. Thanks for your comment, S!

  14. It certainly seems as if the trip to Stob’s pyramids was half the experience. The hike sounds like it was exhilarating and so were the views you encountered. I think local landmarks are worth visiting even when you're a local because you get to experience it in your own way. The 2 legends about the pyramids are so interesting. I love when there is a story behind a place. It somehow adds to the mysticism. And it seems as if you couldn't have picked a better day Sany :) We don't really have any landmarks like these in the city but I believe there might be some in upstate New York.

    1. I couldn't have said it better! Actually I realized that there are many local landmarks to be explored, that's why I started traveling around Bulgaria more often. Yes, that day was perfect for traveling to the Stob's pyramids. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Rowena!

  15. It looks beautiful over there! Unfortunately I don't have something amazing as this close by

  16. These are breathtaking. I've seen glacier formations and such but not pyramid formations -- I'm sure these are just as incredible as one might imagine. Thanks for sharing, Stanislava. I hope your November is off to a great start. <3 /Madison

    1. Wow, I wish I could see glacier formations! Thanks for your comment, Madison!

  17. You know, just the other day I saw a documentary about this place. I didn't see it from the beginning, but enough to recognize it in an instant. How cool! Bulgaria never stops surprising me! There is so much to see. You can already imagine that I would be more than happy to visit the pyramids. Sounds like a perfect getaway. Those stone formations are so special and they remind me a bit of Đavolja Varoš in Serbia. The weather was fantastic and I'm sure that it emade the whole experience even more special and pleasant. Wonderful!
    Have a great weekend! :)

    1. You saw a documentary about the Stob's pyramids? This is such a nice coincidence, isn't it? The pyramids are the perfect getaway indeed - interesting and close to Sofia. I need to check Đavolja Varoš - I bet it is a wonderful landmark! Thank you for comment, Tijana!

  18. Have a lovely evening, my dear friend :)


  19. И аз не бях чувала за това място, но изглежда много интересно. Снимките ти са много готини!

  20. A stunning view indeed! Oh, what I'd give to see this place.

  21. Beautiful views! I really do love absorbing stunning scenery that's for sure.

    Gorgeous post.

    Laura xo

  22. This view looks amazing!



