Музеят на шоколада в Кьолн

Една от забележителностите в Кьолн, която си набелязахме, беше музеят на шоколада, който се намира до реката. Още с влизането те посреща аромат на какао и те преследва до самото излизане. Входът за музея на шоколада е 9 евро за възрастни.

На първия етаж се запознахме с различни факти за произхода на какаото, а в тропическата градина бяха разположени палмови дръвчета и какаови растения. В посещението на музея беше включена и дегустация на шоколад от шоколадовия фонтан на Lindt.

Последният ден от екскурзията ни в града беше слънчев и топъл. Хората бяха навън, приятно беше и покрай реката. Един от местните ми каза, че Кьолн е прекрасен, когато времето е хубаво, и беше прав.

Моят приятел Ф. ни разказа и за карнавала през февруари, който е толкова популярен, че хотелите са заети за това време на годината месеци предварително.

Като цяло Кьолн много ми хареса и бих се върнала с удоволствие отново. Силно впечатление ми направи, че местните са много любезни и спокойни. Да не говорим за готината атмосфера на града, хубавата храна и бирата.

До скоро, Кьолн! 

Може още да ви хареса


  1. Omg how fun! I would love to go there

  2. A visit to a Chocolate Museum sounds like a no brainer to me! Why yes of course ;) Your trip to Cologne sounds like it was lovely. The city does exude a very chill vibe that comes across through your photos. I hope you will get to return Sany!

    You were one of the first to notice the change! I was still tweaking it over the weekend. Thanks for your sweet feedback!

  3. Hi Sany! Glad to hear that you was pleased with the visit in this city - it's always good to know that the locals were friendly and the food delicious :) What's more, I haven't had idea about the carnival in Cologne, I'll google it later, because I'm curious how this event looks like in this city. Moreover, I'm huge fan of chocolate, so this museum will be on my list what to do in Cologne too, especially when we talk about delicious chocolate from Lindt ;P
    Have a lovely evening, dear friend :)


    1. The carnival is something I'd love to visit in Cologne. My friend told me that it's crazy. Yes, the museum was kind of delicious experience:)

  4. Hello Sany! Yes, please also to me!:D It would be my first thing to do if happens to visit the city, and I do hope very soon. The chocolate museum truly sounds an amazing and gluttony experience, u also look very pretty and happy, I see how much you loved Cologne. Many kisses Sany! xo

    1. Yes, Lilli, the museum was a nice experience, but to be honest I enjoyed the local pubs more, haha. I really liked it in Cologne indeed:)

  5. Zdravei Sany!

    Reading your post, I really wish the people in Vegas were as laid-back.
    Incredible architecture and a real gem for tourists. Looking at these chocolates, I wish I had one right now with a cup of coffee to enjoy.

    I hope you're have a lovely week. Talk to you soon. <3 Radi


    1. Здравей, Ради. I immediately noticed how peaceful and happy are people in Cologne. :)

  6. I'm not a big beer drinker so that didn't entice me much, of course you'd previously mentioned CHOCOLATE and I was all in ;o) All jokes aside, Cologne looks like a cool place to hang out in


  7. Omg! That chocolate factory must have been a great experience. I've never been in a place like that. It must be perfect :D It's great that the weather was so sunny. It looks even more beautiful like that and so are you. I can really tell that you enjoyed the trip. Looking forward to seeing where are you taking us next ;)

  8. Hello Stanisalava,
    Yummy!I love hocolate!
    what a great post!
    thanks for sharing..

  9. Oh my gosh, I'm a total chocolate-fanatic and so this place looks and sounds like heaven! haha. The tropical garden filled with palm trees and cocoa plants must have been incredible.


    1. The museum is a perfect spot for chocolate-fanatics like you:) The tropical garden was an interesting experience.

  10. Анонимен28/10/16

    I have been to a chocolate museum once but I don't think that it was in Cologne; what a sweet visit!

  11. Анонимен28/10/16

    I wish you to revisit COLOGNE FOR MORE DAYS.

  12. Well Cologne is nice, I went to the choclate museum twice already. By the way, did you went into the museum in the dome or inside of the dome at all? It's interresting stuff if you're interrested in history or similar things.

    1. Yes, of course, I went inside the dome and I also went on top of the cathedral. It was very nice.

  13. О какво хубаво местенце! Определено и аз бих го посетила :)
