Еднодневна разходка до манастир Седемте престола

Днес се пренасяме до манастир Седемте престола, който се намира само на 80км от столицата по Искърското дефиле и е перфектен за еднодневна разходка близо до София. Имайки предвид изоставения път, който ме заведе до него, бях приятно изненадана, когато пристигнах. Влизайки през портата, първо впечатление ми направи вътрешният двор с прясно окосена трева, фигурки и секвоя гигантея от 1965. Беше огромна.

Сгушен в гората, манастирът сам по себе си е малък и спокоен. Възниква през управлението на Петър Делян. Името му идва от легенда, която разказва за седем боляри, които основават манастира. По турско бива ограбван и опустошаван, каквато е съдбата на повечето български манастири. Бил е убежище за революционери, също е служел и като килийно училище. Другото му име е Осеновлашки манастир.

Сами можете да видите в какъв запазен вид е манастирът и колко поддържан е дворът, където човек може да намери уединение с природата.

Манастир Седемте престола спокойно може да се съчетае в един ден с панорамна обиколка по Искърското дефиле, посещение на Вазовата екопътека и отбивка до Черепишкия манастир.

Може още да ви хареса


  1. It's really nice how the monasteries in Bulgaria are open to visitors. The Seven Altars looks really scenic and serene at the time. Thanks for showing us around Sany! Happy weekend to you!

    1. Yes, monasteries in Bulgaria are a travelling destination for many. You're welcome, Rowena!

  2. Hello Stanislava!
    Another great place I'm visiting with these wonderful pictures!
    thanks for the escape.
    And enjoy your weekend!

  3. Поредното място, за което не съм чувала :) Много харесвам българските манастири. Надявам се, че и този ще посетя един ден :)

    1. Манастирът е много добре поддържан и се намира на изключително спокойно място. Пожелавам ти скоро да го посетиш :)

  4. Анонимен26/11/16

    Such a neat place! Have you ever thought about writing a tourist guide for visitors to Bulgaria? You know so many interesting places and you have insider knowledge.

    1. Thank you, Anouk! I haven't thought of it, but I consider my blog something like a guide for anyone who is eager to visit Bulgaria:)

  5. Zdravei Sany!

    Monastery historic buildings like these are one of my favorite things about Bulgaria. It all looks so beautiful and homey. Plus, the views from the balconies have stuck into my memory and are a sight that cannot be seen anywhere else.

    Vesel den i 6tastliva nova sedmica.


    1. Здравей, Ради! I couldn't have said it better - monasteries here are indeed homey and when they are well-maintained, they look so pretty on the outside. Thank you for stopping by! Успешна седмица и на теб!

  6. oh it just looks so lovely!


  7. Hello Sany! Definitely a place where I wish I was now, looks so calm and peaceful indeed, I do enjoy this kind of location, the monastery is just remarkable and and picturesque. Have a great week Sany, hugs! xo

  8. This is such a cute monastery and looks so picturesque. You always take such lovely photographs which really capture the place you are visiting so well :) x

  9. I agree with Rowena, it's lovely that the monasteries are open to visitors and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well preserved they are too. I had no idea about Sofia at all before reading your blog but it's in my list to visit now.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  10. I think out of all of the bloggers who are in Bulgaria that I've followed, you seem to capture it so beautifully. I quite like some places like this when it seems like time has stopped, regarding aesthetics and buildings alike. Thanks for sharing, Sany.

  11. What a beautiful place to visit. Looks relaxing to be there. :)

  12. Hi Sany! It's really lovely that The Seven Altars is opened for visitors, totally agree with you that the backyard looks like little heaven, what a peaceful and picturesque location! What's more, this monastery has unique windows and balconies and like always, I enjoyed to read the legend, you know that I love such a facts about new destinations and places :D
    Have a lovely evening, Sany! :)


    1. Glad to hear you enjoyed reading about this monastery, Ivonne. Yes, the paintings on the balcony are so pretty. Thank you for your kind words!

  13. What a gorgeous slice of history and like you said, so well preserved! I wish I had these kind of historic sites in my own backyard


  14. Wow, I see that your blog is changing and it looks professional, dear friend, can't wait for your new post :)
    Have a lovely evening, dear Sany!


  15. Наистина не бях чувала за този манастир, но пък има толкова много кътчета из нашата страна, които не съм посещавала все още. Хубави снимки!
